If you’re a disabled wheelchair or stretcher user, you may not have to pay VAT if you buy a specially adapted vehicle for your personal or domestic use. Not every vehicle or adaptation will qualify for the relief. There are also strict definitions for terms like ‘wheelchair user’ …
How do I get an official assessment and quotation for the adaptations I need?
To get an official assessment please contact our office to arrange a demonstration of our adaptations. We will then arrange to visit you at your home or place of work. Once we have demonstrated our products we will then recommend which adaptation is most suitable for you needs. …
What is the process to apply for a grant?
The process for applying for a grant towards your adaptations is as follows:- Have a demonstration of your requested adaptation by any of Elap’s demonstration team They will then write out an assessment and product recommendation report Forward this report with your grant application to the relevant department …
Am I eligible for a grant towards the cost of my adaptations?
Not everyone is eligible for a grant towards the cost of their adaptations. For more information please contact Motability Grants on 01279 635999 or any of the relevant charities on the “What Grants are available?” page.
What grants are available?
Grants are awarded from a number of organisations, if you are a Motability customer or considering a Motability car we can complete a demonstration report to help support the grant application process for you. If you are not Motability customer you should try contacting the following organisations for …